
Saturday, April 30, 2016

Oh Jack!

Jack just wants to make friends and so he tried this morning at our neighbors. But the dogs across the way didn't want to play and scared him away. Jack literally came home crying and sat next to Logan on the couch. It was so sweet and funny to see him like this. Poor Jackie!!!

Friday, April 29, 2016

Date Night!!

Who doesn't love date night? Usually Mikey and I get away every Friday just by ourselves, but tonight it was a fun night with our two youngest.  I always tell my kids " please don't grow up to fast."
Cuties!! Love them

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Jackpot, Jack, Jackie???

We call him mostly Jack and he is meant to be in our family. He is high energy and loves to be free! We have tried to find him a new home 3 times now hoping that he would stop digging out and running for miles. One time he was two towns away when we got the call to come pick him up. Another time 2 hours away.
he loves to hang out with us mainly in the house and I love that it worked out the way it did because he is the best dog ever!!!
(Don't pay attention to my unfolded laundry on the couch)
Lowell and Jack

Monday, April 25, 2016


Logan LOVES to forge!!! Its his new all time hobby and all his free time goes into creating something.  It makes me happy to see him so happy!!

Sunday, April 24, 2016


About 2 years ago Mikey decided he wanted to try a vegetable garden using a system called aquaponics. It pretty much is growing plants in water and having the fish fertilize the plants from their tanks to the grow beds. Its really a neat system and after years of competing with the squirrels and birds this seemed to be the answer.( I will take a pic of it all soon.) Julia pulled some carrots up and they really look funny but they were delicious.

Oh Honey!

A couple years ago Mikey got a beehive and we probably made 30 little jars of very delicious honey. So when the queen bee up and left we were a little sad to not have the fresh honey. Mikey just got a new hive the other day so we will try again. Yay!!!
Isabelle giving good ol bunny ears. I'm bummed Mikey and Lowell's faces are so dark. They look so cute in their bee suits.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

My Family

My little Zeman bunch that I love so much!
Mike and I have been married 19 years.
oh so young and in love
fast forward to now with added wrinkles, and a few (cough cough) lbs.
We have 5 kids that are growing up way to fast!

Jordyn is 21

Our daughter Julia who is 18 and our son Logan on the right is 16
this at Prom and the sweet boy on the left is Julia's date.
Lowell is our fun, creative 11 year old.

and our baby Isabelle who is 9 years old. She is so unique and I love everything about her.
That's our little family!
We love and try to live the gospel. We belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. My life would be completely different if I didn't have my faith.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Here I Go.....

Well I'm back after what seems forever. I had a Blog before but that was, I guess a try at Blogging with being way to busy to even keep up with it all. My youngest at the time was running around in diapers and now she's 9 years old. Where does the time go???

My expextations ared low but my desire to keep up this time is high....So we will see.