
Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day Mikey! Mike and I met 22 years ago and I already had my sweet, energetic, son Jordyn. I always thought after I had Jordyn that nobody will want to date me because I have a child and that is a lot of responsibility to take on. Its not like I was looking right away in fact I didn't want anything to do with dating for awhile. I remember going on one date with a group of friends and at the end of the night my date found out I had a son. Well lets just say he didn't want anything to do with me as soon as he found out. Whatever!!!!

Mike came along and not only he  wanted to date me but he would take time to play with Jordyn and talk to him and I thought that was special. 20 years later and now we have 5 beautiful children that are getting older a little faster than I want them to. I really feel and know that our children are such a blessing and I thank my Heavenly Father constantly for them.

The Beginning!!
Wow we were young

Isabelle was only a couple weeks old here

Friday, June 17, 2016

My Girls

I have always felt extremely grateful to my Heavenly Father for my children. For Jordyn, Julia, Logan, Lowell, and Isabelle. I always knew I would be a mom someday but didn't think about how many or if I wanted boys or girls. I just knew it would happen the way God intended it to.

Now trying to take pictures with them is different! Usually I say "please just really quick take a picture before you change out of your church clothes." The girls cooperated with me on this particular Sunday so thank you my daughters. I will get my boys to do the same sooner or later!!!