
Tuesday, September 26, 2017

6 months already???

My sweet daughter has been out on her mission for almost 6 months now. So 1 year to go! 
She is so incredibly happy and loving what she is doing, serving God. 
I love her letters because she always includes her sense of humor and I love that the most about her. 
She has had some doors slammed in her face and some laughs and jeers from strangers and people wanting to challenge her to try to prove her wrong but it doesn't stop her from finding those that need her the most. 
Its really funny that this thought came into my mind after hearing about these challenges she was facing. 
I remember long ago in Junior high school I was in track and field and I wanted to compete in the hurdles. I also competed in discus and shot put but hurdles is what I wanted to do the most. 
When I practiced at school I just couldn't get over the hurdle but when I set up a course in my backyard I easily could jump over them with no problem. 

I don't know if I had them lower than the ones at school or if it was because nobody was watching. I'm not sure but I would practice and practice at home and never mess up. 
The day came when it was time to compete and the stands were full of my classmates. We lined up at our spots to start and I look ahead of me and think I cant do this, there is no way I can make it over the top of the hurdles. I'm going to embarrass myself for sure. The shot rang out and we all took off and here comes the first hurdle and I slow down and walk over the top of the hurdle then the next and the next. I walk over every single one while everyone easily goes across the finish line. I hear cheers from the stands or maybe laughs but I keep walking over every single one. I hung my head in frustration that I couldn't make it over the hurdles while running. I look at this experience now and think my life is the same as these hurdles. They were hard for me to get over but with enough practice and confidence you can do it. 
We all have challenges and trials
how are we going to get over them and endure them. 
With our Saviors help that is how
I have gained so much strength and joy with relying on the Lord and trusting him. Because of this I've been blessed with mighty miracles that I hold so close to my heart. I know there are big things to come in my life and I will walk forward with faith and I'm excited to do so. 
My sweet friend and I went to the Women's Broadcast over the weekend and oh my the talks were amazing!
Go to and look up General Women's Session
I took notes and was so inspired by the speakers
they will lift you up and give you the strength and guidance you need
I cant wait for General Conference this weekend