
Sunday, November 26, 2017

Our Fall Break

This year I think our fall break was really enjoyable. 
we got a lot done
we played a lot
we ate a lot 
and Mikey and I even got a whole day to ourselves 
We started our week off with 
Lowell hanging with his longtime friend
then cousins coming over to shoot and Duke made a best friend

I love it when the kids play outside instead of asking me if they can go on electronics. 
The good ol' days
 My cute nephew Josh and his sidekick Duke
Duke wouldn't leave Josh's side, he was his shadow the whole time. 
Uncle Jeff shooting with the boys
 Someone sent us some cute pictures of our missionary 
That seriously brightens my day when my text message goes off and I see a picture of my daughter
Oh how I started missing her this week. I was doing really really good then I realized how much I just wanted to give her a hug. 
It has to be because of the holidays. 
 Logan worked on making some armor
It's turning out great and I'm impressed
I can't wait to see the rest
This stuff is heavy
 I always want a family pic on Thanksgiving day and after asking and asking I got one
I'm so grateful they cooperated for me

 My handsome men
 Our feast

 Isabelle wanted to make Rice Krispie turkey legs
they turned out so  cute
except I forgot the white chocolate to dip the pretzels in 
she forgave me

Then Mikey and I were able to go to the Los Angeles Temple
I love going there and it really helps me feel focused again. 
I'm so thankful we are  able to attend. 
 to end our wonderful break
we got to spend our Saturday with more cousins
 we made cookie ornaments 

and played and played and played
This was such a great week
I love my family 

Monday, November 13, 2017

The middle is how old?

It seems to me that every year that goes by 
it goes by faster and faster.
I hear that a lot from my friends 
My older three kids are now over 18
Now that's just crazy
 When Logan turned 8 
I made him this frame with all the things he loved placed around his picture
I noticed there is no stickers of footballs
This is before his love of football was discovered 
He use to play soccer and basketball
Logans birthday was Friday and we celebrated all weekend
Since there was no school on his actual birthday 
I took him and his friends pizza and root beer for lunch on Thursday 
I also bought him a happy birthday balloon but he wouldn't take it
I almost tied it to his wrist but he's stronger than me
his friends look excited
I think Logan just wanted the pizza and for me to stop taking pics
I had this plan to go to Costco and get him the combo pizza that he loves but it was a hour wait at 11:00 already so scratch that 
Little casers was faster
Friday my boys had a opportunity to go camping in the desert and watch car speed up to 220 miles per hour. So Logan again not to happy with me because I asked him to go instead of having a party.   I told him that he wouldn't  get too many more chances to camp with his little brother so thankfully he understood and went. Honestly he would rather of hung out with his friends and celebrated his birthday differently. I was very grateful he understood what I was trying to tell him. 
 of course they had to build a bonfire taller than themselves
 Logan took all these pics of different vehicles going very very fast
 Lowell would tell me over and over how loud it was

 I had to send cupcakes and candles 
I found out that a cake was brought for Logan also
So awesome they thought of him

 Sunday we fed the missionaries in our area and we celebrated Logans birthday that day as well. 
Trying to get pictures is always so much fun
 I wanted a pic of Logan and his cousins that came for dinner and every time Isabelle or Lowell would pop in at just the right time
I'll take it
Dinner menu:
Logan wanted smoked ribs
scallop potatoes 
and root beer floats for dessert
I would say it was a very successful birthday weekend
We love you Logan