
Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Christmas and Football

I have so much to catch up on
I feel like I haven't gone on here in a while so 
We put up our Christmas decorations and 
We had Logan's football banquet and then....
I got sick
It was over a week until I finally started to feel better and I lost my voice
so my family is happy about that
I was excited about the football banquet this year because 
#1 it was his last so it was more meaningful to us
#2 I was able to make the centerpieces and also I made the senior boys a memory box to keep

In a previous post I wrote about Christmas being a hard time because a lot of my special decorations were donated by accident. Well a sweet friend that was moving gave me something so special. 
I didn't realize what I was given until I opened everything. I have a Christmas village now! I'm so excited  and so blessed to be given such treasures. Isabelle and I had fun setting it all up. It almost didn't fit on my big table. We squeezed it all in.

How cool is all this fun stuff. It lights up and things move
I love it!
Logan's banquet was awesome and wonderful
Logan received the best lineman award
I had 24 centerpieces to make
I wanted to make a wooden box with fresh flowers
Here's the mess I created 
I didn't get a pic of a finished one
I found some gold and purple craft string and wrapped it around twice on the box to give it something extra. Then stuck in some football and helmet picks. 
This is the only pic I got of the centerpieces complete
This holiday season I'm so thankful for so many things
I'm so grateful for my kids and their courage and strength to get thru hard times. I'm grateful they will stand up for what they believe in and that they are understanding this Christmas season. It always seems December is a hard month for our family. But we are strong and we pull thru anything with the Lord on our side. 
Merry Christmas everyone