
Saturday, January 20, 2018

Joy to me....

Joy to me is
my children
the love they show me is wonderful and something I will cherish forever

Joy to me is
making my kids smile when they are grumpy

Joy to me is

seeing my husband get on the floor with our kids

Joy to me is
getting to talk with my daughter on Christmas day and knowing she is happy

Joy to me is
when they still want to go outside to play
 Joy to me is
knowing their dad taught them many skills
and they love learning new things

Joy to me is
my kids helping me when they don't want to 

Joy to me is
being married to Mikey forever and knowing that he supports me and loves me in whatever I do. 
I have learned many things in my short life and knowing that I could've had this joy all along is a great learning lesson for me. All I had to do was let go and forgive. Find Joy in all things around you and recognize what brings you  joy and how to give joy to others.