
Thursday, March 8, 2018

Blessings upon blessings

We've had a lot happen in the last week in the Zeman home. When I say a lot I mean a lot of fun, changes, and some scary stuff. Being a parent can be so stressful and hard but also filled with joy and love. I will take the joy and love over anything else any day.

Our sweet Isabelle was really sick again and this time it was really intense. I think I tell myself this every time she gets sick or passes out that "oh this time was the worst'" Isabelle has had to go to the hospital several times through her life to get IV antibiotics and so last week we were at the hospital again to help her get thru another infection. She is so strong and courageous  and she shows me how to do hard things. Mikey was already at work at 5:00 am so I asked Logan to please go with me on the almost 1 hour  ride to the hospital. She was dripping with sweat and I didn't want to waste any time. So I said a quick prayer with her in the house and  then in the car. I needed her to have comfort and I needed heavenly help to get there safely. I seriously felt angels with me.  I was so worried about Isabelle and why she was hit with being sick again so fast and so strong this time that I needed help on my way. I knew that my Heavenly Father knew in that moment how I felt, how Isabelle felt and what we all needed. I felt his help guide me and I am so eternally grateful for all of it. How can I express into words the depth of my love for the Savior Jesus Christ. How is that possible? When we are in need and in desperate times he is there to comfort us. When we think we can't take on one more thing, he is there for us. When we are hopeless, he is there for us.

When we got home the dogs went right to Isabelle and wouldn't leave her. They are very protective of her and I love that. A smiling Belle makes a happy momma.
To add to the busy week last week Logan was able to get his drivers license

Lowell had a appointment for braces

Lowell and I decided that Toppers Pizza would be our thing after every orthodontist appointment. Heck Ya!!!  I love different traditions my kids want to create.
Im grateful that Isabelle is feeling much better, Im grateful that I have another driver, Im grateful that my Heavenly Father is aware of my family and our needs. He strengthens us and helps us grow.