
Sunday, July 1, 2018

What a great week

What a week!
We had a lot going on this week and it was great. 
We started off by getting Isabelle ready for her first year of girls camp.
She was excited, nervous, happy, and anxious.
A sweet mom sent me this pic of her. 
Happy Camper
Next we met up with our dear friends at their beach house and it was amazing!
The view was so beautiful and the weather was even better
This pool was awesome and it had a jacuzzi at the end of it and it seemed like everyone had so much
I had the opportunity to teach a class at girls camp so I headed up on Friday and I must say I was so happy I was going to be able to see Isabelle. 
I paired up with the sweetest lady named Sue. She is the best and always has a smile.
 Girls camp is just awesome and all the girls were so sweet. 
On Saturday I picked up a tired Belle

She filled me in on all the fun stories she had
I said "hey lets go by the mailbox and check and see if Logan's call came in"
It was there!! Belle and I jumped for joy then gave the news to Logan. He said OK tonight is the night. He wasn't going to wait so texts and calls went out to see who was in town to come over

So I had my sweet nephew take pictures on my camera of Logan opening his call and then one of my sons (I won't say who) was helping me download to my computer and now they are all gone. So I made Logan pose for this picture today with his call in front of his map. He was very happy about it. 
Now he's off to Utah, Salt Lake West Mission

 I'm so grateful for my children and husband and all the blessing we've seen lately. We've witnessed tender mercies and we are truly grateful.