
Monday, August 20, 2018

17, 25, 44, & 44

17 days until Isabelle's 12th birthday
Belle has counted down to this years birthday since her last birthday. She reminds me frequently how awful her birthday was last year and really it was. 
She had to get a lot of emergency dental work done  and she was miserable so I understand that. 
It is my goal to make it better this year and besides its a special year for her. She will go into young women's and I couldn't be more excited for her. I'm not sure what we will do yet to make sure she feels special but I do know all she really wants her own phone. We will see about that.

Its 25 days until our sweet missionary daughter comes home after serving for 18 months. I can't believe the day is almost here. She has grown into a beautiful women and I can't wait to hear all about her adventures. She has blessed our family in so many ways since she left to serve and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. I miss her so much and I can't wait to give her a big hug and call her on the phone when she isn't home just to hear her voice.

In 44 days our wonderful son Logan will be leaving for two years to serve a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I have purposely not wanted to countdown for his leaving date just because Im trying to not think about him being gone. He is a huge help and a peacemaker in our home and I will miss him so very much. I think he is going to love his mission and put forth all his effort into helping others. I can't wait to see his testimony grow and himself grow as a man. I just love him so much

Today I turned 44 and Im trying to embrace it and just accept Im almost half way thru my forties.  Thats crazy! Im not a fan of getting older and honestly my body is letting me know that I better start taking better care of my health. Mikey brought me home some beautiful flowers and I had some yummy enchiladas. My favorite! Today the kids also had there first day of school and it went well so I must say it was a successful day. Lowell just doesn't like me saying "let me take your picture" in front of everyone

Im going to keep counting down to all of the exciting things happening in the Zeman family