
Sunday, September 16, 2018

Exciting times!

I love that Julia is home again. After 18 months (besides a quick return home for surgery) of being away she is home. I'm so thankful she is safe and now she is ready for the next adventure. Everyday for the next 2 1/2 weeks will be very busy. We have appointments galore and then getting Logan ready to leave for 2 years for his mission. OH MY GOODNESS!!!! I can't even think straight right now.

It was wonderful that family was at the airport to greet Julia. I don't have a picture of everyone that was there. 
YaY! she's here!

First stop was defiantly In and Out

Something very important to me was to get a new family picture while I had all my children under one roof. So for years I wanted to go to the spot Mikey proposed to me. I completely forgot how rocky and dangerous (I didn't think it was at 23 years old) it was but the goal was for a family picture in the very spot. 22 1/2 years ago Mikey said we were going on a date. He wanted to get to this perfect spot by sunset. He was so nervous the entire drive and I had a feeling of why. We hiked to the rocks and he got down on one knee and asked me to be his wife. 
Today we went to the exact same spot and Logan and Lowell immediately hike down to the part your not aloud because  the waves can take you away. The lifeguard even came over to us and told them not to do that. If you know my family and when we take family pictures there is usually one or two that just refuse to cooperate so Ive had to accept this and be happy with whatever I get. There is a couple that I laughed really hard at because of my children being there goofy selves but it was all good in the end and I just so happy we were able to go to this special spot as a family. 
A special thanks to a special person for taking our pictures.
Crazy boys
My favorite picture ever