
Saturday, October 28, 2017

The Last One

Last night was Logan's final football game ever. It was exciting and sad all at the same time. I tried to soak it all in thru the night.  I asked him this morning how he was feeling as I was looking at his million bruises. Ouch! 

Even though I complained about the busy schedules, traveling far for games, and driving back and forth for years with all the practices. I will miss it all so much. I know Logan will miss it even more. 
When your child loves something so much its hard to see it come to a end. 

Last night Logan tackled the running back and took him down. 

Go Mustangs!
 At the end of the game the team gave the seniors and each other emotional hugs for the final time.
 Coach Ivy and Little Ivy
it all started 9 years ago
I respect this coach so much. 
He has been a big inspiration to Logan and he's someone he looks up to. 
Im so excited for what is next for Logan and what his future holds. 

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Fall Festival and Football

Logan’s 2nd to last football game was last night. It was also senior night (sadly no pics of that). Logan has enjoyed his last year of football. Thinking about how it’s all coming to an end it’s a little sad. After a lot of begging from Logan when he was 8 years old we signed him up for youth football.  It was the best thing we ever did for him. He has absolutely loved every single year he has been able to play.
I remember Logan taking this picture and thinking this boy is so dang happy that his grin couldn't get any bigger.
9 years later and all grown up. I will absolutely miss going to football games and cheering him on. I will miss the unity and togetherness it brought. These are all good memories that Logan can carry through his life. The cherry on the top is that the same coach that he had in youth football he has his senior year.
 Logan is #62 and was one of the captains this season. This is the beginning of a chilly night

Yesterday was our annual fall festival held at our high school. Our football team had a game  booth and our boys did a great job.  So one of our schools  had a cake contest for different age groups and Isabelle wanted to enter the contest. She has been on a baking kick lately so I thought it was a perfect opportunity for her. She  wanted to make a black cat cake. So I helped very little but she made the ears out of melted chocolate/peanut butter and gold candy sprinkles. Then the whiskers were sucker sticks dipped in candy peanut butter and gold candy glitter and same with the nose.

Making black icing isn't as easy as I thought. We used A LOT of black gel food coloring.  Isabelle kept saying my arm is getting so tired mom. I would tell her keep stirring. It was a fun and very busy day yesterday with all day fall festival and then senior night and football game. Whew!

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Since 2

We had the best day today
Lowell had a  appointment with his Orthopedic Dr today in L.A.
The last time he saw Dr. Kessler was 2 1/2 years ago. Before that he was seeing him every 6 months since the age of 2. 
Lowell was diagnosed with Legg Calve Perthes Disease at 2 years old in both hips. Lowell was always in a lot of pain. It was like growing pains and I thought that is all it was but we found out it was something we never heard of. 
Lowell has been in pain most of his life but nothing ever stopped this kid from enjoying life. 
He still enjoyed sports and running and playing. There was no stopping him. 
Since school started back Lowell has been experiencing a lot of pain again. When he would kick a ball or jump or pretty much any activity he was feeling pain. The first thought we had was oh no its back and something is wrong. 
Finally I made him a appointment and that is where we were today to get X-rays and answers.
Lowell knew what was coming
First off to take the billionth Xray then 
He knew Dr. Kessler was going to have him lay on his belly and move his hips all sorts of ways then also while on his back.
Then have him walk the hall then run so he can watch the movement of his hips.
We remember the routine well
then Dr. Kessler breaks the news and we were nervous
The X-rays look beautiful
His hips look great
He said if someone didn't know you have Perthes they wouldn't notice anything different in these X-rays.
Wow! Thats the best news ever.
He doesn't expect to see Lowell agian and Lowell is probably feeling ligaments that he didn't use very much in summer and he's working them out. 
That we can handle.
I was so increadilby happy because at one time we worried about surgeries and all kinds of what ifs
Then I asked the Dr
Can Lowell play football if he chooses
and he said YES
Best day ever
We love Dr. Kessler