
Tuesday, May 15, 2018

13 days

Wow, what a crazy 13 days!
I am so grateful, amazed, and humbled. 
Our daughter was able to have her surgery and return to her mission within 2 weeks since she arrived. It all happened the way it was needed and how she hoped it would.
This was not possible without the help from our Savior Jesus Christ. No way was it all our doing. 

I was so happy that I could take care of her and be her nurse and mother while she went thru this surgery. I had a hard time with thinking I wouldn't be able to. I knew if she had this surgery while in her mission area that she would be fine but to be able to care for her myself was wonderful. After 4 days of being home after getting out of the hospital she was ready to get out of the house so we went to surprise Mikey at work. 
 Put on your hard hats before you can enter and hop on. It was so neat to know that we went underground  about 4 to 5 stories to where Mikey works. He gave us the tour and tried to explain all this stuff, we didn't understand but it was awesome.

I love seeing Mikey in his environment and being able to see what he deals with on a daily basis, it  lets me see my hubby  in a new way. He works his butt off for us and we are so grateful for that. After a little while Julia said ok I'm done 

 Then in the middle of everything going on Jordyn celebrated his 24th birthday and we celebrated Mothers day so that was fun to have all my children here with me. Mikey did a great job with flowers this year. I love them!!!!

Time to say goodbye but for only 4 months
See you soon

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Miracles do happen

This week is one I need to talk about
My words on here will not be able to convey what my heart felt
Our sweet daughter Julia being the strong women she is had been feeling awful lately while trying to serve in her mission, she came home for a quick visit
 and she had
pains in her side and was just sick to her stomach
You know around this same time I was feeling that something was off but I couldn't figure it out
She wasn't saying anything to me until a week ago in a email
She would say "mom I am  in a lot of pain when I eat and lately its really all the time that I am in pain but I'm fine don't worry
In fact this is the picture she sent me and she looks happy and not in pain
So I would ask her questions on Pday to try and help her
Thankfully her companion convinced her to go see a Dr.
She finally went one day and he said it sounded like it could be her gallbladder giving her trouble
So she saw a specialist
Yep... for sure gallbladder
she had to do some tests that included MRI, and ultrasound
The hydascan showed that her gallbladder wasn't working and that it needed to come out
By this time she was in constant pain so the surgeon scheduled her surgery and everything was a go
I found out that our insurance wouldn't cover the surgery out of state at all, not a penny.
So I hurry and call to let her Mission President know and he said well she will need to come home and get the surgery and since it is a minor operation with a quick recovery time she could come back within 2 weeks. 
So by the end of the day she was waking towards us at the airport

Hugs, lots and lots of hugs

It was almost exactly 13 months since being able to physically see her so this was a blessing 
After things settled down she let us know that she is constantly in pain and has no appetite so first thing the next day was a Dr appointment to get started to get her surgery scheduled
We didn't realize the trial that she was about to start

Doctor appointment #1
we all know you need to see your Dr to get a referral to see the specialist blah blah blah
Doctor appointment #2
Happy because she is seeing the surgeon and it feels like progress
while talking with the surgeon he agreed that she needs surgery and he said scheduling will be calling to set it up.
She let him know that she is on a two week time frame and she really wants to return to her mission and she doesn't want to be released. She really wanted him to understand her desire to finish her mission and she wasn't ready to say she was done
He seemed he had no idea what she was talking about and he said sorry but surgery is scheduled 6 weeks out
I saw her  body show that she was so discouraged and upset
I felt very strongly that we shouldn't give up and to keep going because something is going to work out, we couldn't see it or even think that something would work out but.....

I asked as many people as I could to please fast and pray for Julia that something will work out for her to get surgery in the next few days. I don't know how but something needed to work out and I knew that our Savior Jesus Christ knew exactly at that moment how Julia was feeling, what she needed and what her desire was
He knew and we had to keep our faith strong that it will all be OK and something would work out
Monday morning she woke up sick and very pale, it was different and I knew at that moment we were going to the ER and we weren't leaving until we got someone to understand she needed surgery
We weren't waiting 6 weeks for her to get beyond worse
We spent 6 hours in the ER before she was seen but the whole time I was praying and trying to stay patient and praying some more
Thankfully the Dr that saw Julia in the ER wanted to admit her and keep her in the hospital until they could do surgery
That is a miracle right there
We didn't give up, we stayed faithful in knowing that something would work out
Now this is a simple surgery and its outpatient and recovery I heard goes very well
So for something to be so simple had turned in a very difficult process when it didn't need to be
I do know that those who don't understand Mormon missions don't understand the needs of a missionary and the doctors and nurses didn't understand Julia's desire to want to hurry with a surgery so she could recover so she could go back out and serve
It just doesn't work that way
But Heavenly Father did, he knew exactly what was needed, what Julia hoped for and what she desired to do
Because of her faithfulness and many others that prayed, fasted and hoped for this process to go quickly we witnessed a miracle and prayers were answered
My heart was so full at the realization that things were going to work out and 
Miracles are real and for Julia and our family 
this was a miracle