
Friday, June 22, 2018

What a trip

Summer has started! Whoop Whoop!
Ahhhh, I love summer vacation because we can go as we please and sleep in and have fun. 
We wanted to start summer off right and head to our dear friends in Utah. They mean the world to us and we have the best time when we are together. I love being able to pick up right where we left off after not seeing each other for awhile. It was a wonderful trip with staying up late talking,  smores, movies, goofing off, riding bikes, swimming, laser tag, almost going shooting, and more talking the night away.  Our trip actually started off with some anger and frustration and now I wonder if that was a sign with how it was going to end. It doesn't matter because we had a blast anyway.
We played 3 rounds of laser tag and I must say I loved it
My calves hurt the next day after riding bikes but worth it

Mikey by the fire
Catching up

Incredible's  2

 I have rented with Enterprise for years and Ive always had good customer service. Mikey and I went to pick up our rental for our trip ( I did reserve it online a week earlier). I gave the employee my reservation and he looked at me and said "we don't have anything for you" Say what?????  After some arguing and disagreements we had to walk away without a rental. It was so disappointing that they can treat there customers they way they did. Especially a loyal customer who rents from them frequently.  Anyways we had to take  our little Jeep on the trip so that meant the kids were very squished in the back seat, but I think they did great considering the tightness of the car. 

I'm going out of order here but before we left California to head to our friends
We decided at the last minute to leave a day earlier and go to Zions. Oh my goodness its beautiful there. I will go back any day, I loved it so much. 

So fun! The water was so cold but it felt great. I can't wait to go back. Next time with Julia.
Sadly after several days in Utah it was time for us to head back home. After 5 min of leaving I see sirens light up in my mirror.
I got a ticket.
I guess I didn't make a complete stop at a stop sign. UGH!
We got all the way to Las Vegas, we filled the car up stopped to eat at Cracker Barrel (YUM) and headed back on the road. About 20 miles down the road the car started acting funny. I would push the accelerator but the car at different times wouldn't accelerate then it would kick in and keep going. It was weird and I didn't know what to think. Suddenly it stalled out in the middle of the Highway and the big rigs and cars are behind us going at a high rate of speed but nobody hit us. I got the car started again and pulled to the side of the road. It was 115 degrees outside and we were 40 miles to Baker Ca. We were worried. Thankfully we have AAA. They told me it would be 3.5 hours until they could get to us. So we sat in the car in the heat and prayed. We prayed to give thanks that we were watched over and that we weren't hit being stalled out in the middle of the Highway with many many vehicles around us. We gave thanks that we were safe and we had water.  We gave thanks that we had cell service. Then suddenly 10 min after waiting the tow truck guy shows up and puts us in his truck where it is nice and cool. Now I told the kids to recognize what a blessing this is and how we have been watched over and protected. Even though it was miserable and hot and something is wrong with our car we were still watched over. Our prayers were heard and answered. It took us 12 long hours to get home when it should've been 6.5 but we were home safe and we made it. Its a trip we will never forget for many reasons. 

Thursday, June 14, 2018


You've graduated Logan!
You worked really hard for this and we are so proud of you. I really can't believe how time flies by, its so crazy to me and I really don't like it. He's so ready to move on and Im sitting over here trying to slow it down. Mike's parents were in town so we had a little family dinner celebration for Logan. 
 Lowell and Belle helped me decorate and Lowell came up with the fun idea of making use of this wall. So we filled balloons and then the G for the word GRAD deflated so it was a RAD 2018. Still great!
I love this picture of Mikey and his brothers and their dad.
I made Logan a shadow box of all the things that were meaningful to him thru his senior year. Well his football helmet wouldn't fit in there so everything else. It was a great end to the school year and now Logan has his mission map up waiting to find out where he will be serving his mission. Im SO not ready for him to leave.