
Friday, October 14, 2016


One of my sweet sister-in-laws brought me a craft project to do.
It was a unfinished Frankenstein!
I couldn't wait to complete him so I could display him in my Halloween décor this season.
I love that he has bolts in his head. He needs something more and I'm trying to figure that out but I love how it turned out.
Thank you Donna!

Monday, October 10, 2016


I think I love to paint.
Actually I do love to paint, just not my walls in my house. I woke up in the middle of the night with an idea for my old wood frames that have been sitting around.
I found these awesome frames at a great thrift store by my house.
Ive been hanging on to them waiting for some inspiration.
Well that was last night. I never did like painting a picture from my own imagination. I thought I was never good at it. But......I actually like what I come up with so I had some wood laying around and fit a piece for this frame. I wanted a saying with some flowers and garland and wanted to paint the frame.
 So I painted the piece of wood black and let it dry then worked on another project while I waited and its name is "Frankie" but that is for another post.
 I painted different flowers and kept on adding until I was happy with it
 added gold vinyl letters
Then mod podge it all together
 I painted the frame with a very light pink chalk paint and let it dry
then did a coat of clear sealing wax
after that dried I rubbed on dark antique wax and didn't get a pic
but I LOVE how it turned out.
All done!!!
I was thinking I should of done this for my kids when they were little. I would've hung it in there rooms.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Say what???

Friday night was awesome!
Football was great!
Logan made a touchdown!
Yes, my lineman made a touchdown.
Logan's  position on this particular play was nose guard and the center snapped over the quarterbacks head and landed in the end zone. Logan saw this and  ran and got the ball in the end zone and scored a touchdown. We were so excited because obviously  he is a lineman and doesn't touch the ball. Yeah!!!
What else was awesome was that Mikes sister and hubby and kids came out to our little town to watch Logan play.    
Its always great to hang out with them.
 JJ and Lowell
I love these two they are the cutest!
 Uncle Jeff and Logan after the win
Aunt Donna, Uncle Jeff, JJ, Luke, and Nic.
The sweetest family
Thanks for coming out!

Before the game Mike, Lowell, and Isabelle had to get in some passing. Lowell has really started liking football lately. I don't know if I'm ready for this all over again.
After the game and I guess Lowell was hungry and couldn't put the pretzels down.
(missing Jordyn and Julia)

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

General Conference and Cinnamon Rolls

Ok, I absolutely loved General Conference weekend!
It was wonderful to hear the uplifting, encouraging words from
our Prophets and Apostles.
They are truly inspired by the Lord to reach out to those that need to hear
exactly the words they spoke.
I surly can attest to that.
I made some yummy cinnamon rolls to go with our spiritually filled days.
This is the Pioneer Women's recipe and it turns out so good every single time.

I didn't get a pic of how they looked coming out of the oven all golden brown.
They were delicious!
I took many notes on Sundays session and I wish I had remembered to take notes thru the whole thing but thank goodness for technology.
Sister Bonnie L. Oscarson spoke about "Rise up in Strength, Sisters in Zion."
Her talk was wonderful and I loved how she said
"we have the innate strength and faith"
That's right we do and we are more capable of doing hard things than we think we can.
Russell M. Nelson talked about "Joy is Christ" I talked here on my blog about having joy in hard times and he talked about the exact same thing so you know what????? I knew that my prayers had been answered and that because I listened to promptings I felt Joy in the hard times I was going thru.
All of the talks given were so good and can be life changing.
You can go to and even listen to the talks if you don't want to read them.
I started this blog back in April to post about the happenings of my family because a lot of family lives out of town and this is a great way to post more than just on facebook or Instagram. I talk a lot on here about my faith and my religion and I will continue to do so. I know this church is true and I know the Book of Mormon is true. I know what has brought peace to my life and what hasn't. I want this joy, love, and peace for everyone and my hope is for those looking for it will find it. Alright that's all my spiritual stuff for today!!!
Loves to all!

Happy Birthday Sign

 My sister in law was over the other day and she asked if I could make her more signs for her post.
Heck Ya!!!
So I made a Happy Birthday and I will be making
Easter, 4th of July (because Independence Day might be to long), and maybe a couple others.
Pictures to come of the others soon.
Thank you everyone that ordered, you made my day!

It's Fall Y'all

 Yes its Fall and that means cooler weather! Did I mention I don't like the heat.
So on October 1st I made potato soup with bread bowls for the family to hopefully bring in the cool fall air. I like to think that it would work.....ha ha ha
 I put in carrots, celery, potato's of course, onion, bacon, parsley, and lots of salt and pepper.
The kids love to have bread bowls with just about any soup so that's a must in our home.
It turned out so good but we need it again on a cooler day.
Its so wonderful to gather at the table as a family and talk about whatever you want. I will say that it doesn't happen a lot here because of everyone's schedules but when it does I treasure it.