
Sunday, October 9, 2016

Say what???

Friday night was awesome!
Football was great!
Logan made a touchdown!
Yes, my lineman made a touchdown.
Logan's  position on this particular play was nose guard and the center snapped over the quarterbacks head and landed in the end zone. Logan saw this and  ran and got the ball in the end zone and scored a touchdown. We were so excited because obviously  he is a lineman and doesn't touch the ball. Yeah!!!
What else was awesome was that Mikes sister and hubby and kids came out to our little town to watch Logan play.    
Its always great to hang out with them.
 JJ and Lowell
I love these two they are the cutest!
 Uncle Jeff and Logan after the win
Aunt Donna, Uncle Jeff, JJ, Luke, and Nic.
The sweetest family
Thanks for coming out!

Before the game Mike, Lowell, and Isabelle had to get in some passing. Lowell has really started liking football lately. I don't know if I'm ready for this all over again.
After the game and I guess Lowell was hungry and couldn't put the pretzels down.
(missing Jordyn and Julia)