
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Farmhouse Table

Ok wow! I haven't blogged in a good while.
I'm so excited about my kitchen table.
About maybe 3 years ago I saw some scrap wood on the side of the road in our neighborhood that said free. It was these heavy duty 2x8 boards and they were in great condition.
I had to have them! I've been wanting a farmhouse table and these were perfect.
Here's a picture of how it looked before and we kept the wood the same how we found it and just sealed it to prevent splinters while we ate.
I don't have a good picture of my table from the first time Mikey built it.
So this pic will have to do.
It was still a little to high to be able to sit and eat comfortably so we needed to fix that and I was just not loving the finish on the table top.
So Mikey took it apart in the house because its so big and he took it outside and sanded the day away. Then made new legs to go with a updated top.

 After all the sanding its more even now.
I wanted it to still have the worn look and very used.
 I love the dark stain....LOVE IT!
Then a few coats of gloss, then let it dry for forever.
 The new legs are so much better and stronger.
Love it!
Now to figure out chairs

Monday, November 7, 2016

The struggle is real folks

I have talked a lot about my Isabelle
I should talk a lot about my kids. I love them and want the very best for them.
Just like every parent I'm sure
I have said on here about Isabelle's health troubles she's dealt with since birth. Well there is so much more to her story than I have ever said and I don't need to give details because its her story. I felt I've probably said to much but it is what it is.
Since probably 1st grade Isabelle has struggled making friends and has tried so hard since she was little. She LOVED her 2 years of preschool and kindergarten and she had many friends.
I guess because she is a little different in personality is where people find her "different" I think Isabelle is a fun loving, very caring, helpful, and a true friend. But I am her mother so of course I think all those things about her and they are true.
Since about 2nd grade is when I noticed a change in Isabelle, she wasn't as happy or outgoing anymore. She said she didn't have any friends and nobody would play with her.
She would come home hurt and bothered that nobody "liked" her.
So I started going to the school to observe(without her knowing) her while playing on the playground.
Now this is Isabelle recently but this is pretty much what I saw. My Isabelle walking around by herself looking down. Isabelle has tried countless times to make friends. I've witnessed this! Why?
Why is it so hard to make friends for some? When I see girls her age yell " Hi Isabelle" It is so heart warming and brings a smile to her face.
The reason why I'm putting this on my blog is because Isabelle has been in school for 2 1/2 months and has missed 10 days of school. Trying to get her to school some days is impossible. I cant even get her in the car some mornings and when I do she trying to escape out the door. Now imagine doing this every morning for the past 3 years of school. Now wouldn't you think "why does my child not want to go to school so badly." So for the last 3 years this is what I've done to help my daughter.
I've gone to the school to observe without her knowledge.
I've helped in the classroom and on fieldtrips
I've met with the principal and teachers a number of times
I've talked and talked to Isabelle
One time I actually got her into the car and to the school but she would not get out. She was screaming and crying and hiding in the back of the van.
I went and got the principal so she could understand what I deal with every morning in trying to get my daughter to school and why she has absences. The principal reached in my van pulled my daughter out while she's screaming crying and pulled her into the school.
I had parents all around watching, staring, and wondering.
I had one ask me how I punish her. Say What???
Today was another morning of melt downs and I could not get her to stay in the car.
I have met with the principal a couple times already, I have met with her teacher 3 times already this year and I have gone to her class to observe all this school year.
Why does my daughter not want to go to school?
Isabelle told me that kids are mean to her and she walks around the playground alone and sad. She just doesn't want to feel that way anymore.
I'm so frustrated!
with talking with the Principal and teacher I was told "maybe she's to sensitive"
"maybe she's like the boy who cried wolf"
How's this going to help my daughter want to come to school?
I'm tired of feeling like I'm not being heard.
There's a missing link somewhere
Something needs to happen here to help kids who feel this same way.
I'm sure it happens a lot more than we think.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Nows the time

I'm grateful that I'm a mother
I'm grateful that I have a mother
I hope my children will always need me in one way or another as they grow
I hope to be around for them to need me for a long time
My mom asked if she could come for a short visit and talk and catch up
You bet!
Its so nice when you can build your relationship up and mend anything broken
I'm grateful that I still have the time here to be able to do that
Life can be taken from loved ones so incredibly fast so don't waste it being mad at someone and then regret what you didn't get to do or talk about anything needed or work out whatever with someone.
Regret is an awful thing to feel!
Its terrible to hold onto anger towards someone
So with Grandma coming over she got to work right away
 She made chicken and dumplings which is Julias favorite food that she makes
 She helped with homework which is Lowells favorite part of the day
 Time for dinner
Then of course she needed to make the kids favorite Texas Sheet Cake "Brownies"
 I made my mom a painting that I made a duplicate for me so we both can have this great saying in our homes. This is something so many of us need to remember and take to heart. My sweet niece before she passed away would say this all the time and its  from a talk from Elaine Dalton gave.
 My mom painted this picture back in 1978 and I have it hanging in my home. I like to look at it and try to imagine her painting this. I was only 4 years old at the time. I get all my talents from my mom, she paints, crafts, quilts, does calligraphy, and just about anything else.

Me and my Momma
Just remember
You can do hard things....