
Tuesday, February 6, 2018

My Belle

A day with my Isabelle
If you ask her what her name is she will tell you Belle
She only wants to be called Belle, but I like to still call her Isabelle
Today was a dreaded day for her
Doctor appointment...

Isabelle has been asking me to please take her to the local coffee shop for some hot chocolate so
I thought today would be the perfect day and hopefully make her happy.
 It worked, she was so happy!
Then I talked to her about the possibility of shots and that changed everything
I had to let her process and not just spring it on her, Ive figured that out through the years. 
So away we go and everything goes awesome!
Yes she had to get shots but she did it and she didn't pass out this time. I was so proud of her, YAY!!!!
It just shows she growing up
So I made the promise since we were close to go to a  toys r us and that we would go "look"
She hasn't been in a toys r us for several years and she was in awe
 so we walk in and immediately she sees toys she loves and wants and she tells me about each and every one
 how does she know so much about all these toys that she doesn't own
 one can't have to many littlest pet shop
then she sees some toy called fingerlings, what in the world are these things
I know she has been wanting one for awhile and I tell her OK you can get one today for doing such a awesome job at the Doctor. 
Then she sees a little area that sells things like the Claires store at the mall
so we defiantly need to spend some time there.
But then......
 she looks over and I see her make this face and inhale like she just saw something amazing
she was so excited!
 she was so excited to see all these cute phone cases
and she showed me each one she would just love so much 
 I know I had a happy girl now and all was forgotten just awhile ago
Of course on the way out there was just a few more things we had to look at 
 Until next time Toys R Us

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