
Saturday, February 3, 2018


It was a high of 76 today in our town with a clear blue sky and a cool that means we can get some chores done outside. 
Yay for beautiful weather!
The sun does wonders for your well being and it surely made me happy
The kids dread the ol "hey kids get on your shoes and get outside, lets get to work."
I didn't realize when moving out here that it would require tons of work outside.

ok our pepper trees were seriously overgrown
I told the boys to get to work and trim them up
Logan did awesome and Lowell did for a little bit until he found out that the first tree made an
amazing fort. 

So Lowell got to work cutting some branches and added them to his "fort"
then I had to redirect him a few times
I said ok to the fort but only for a week.

We smelled like pepper tree all day
Then Logan filled in dirt where needed,
any excuse to drive the tractor right
Then Duke had to lay on the fresh cool dirt and keep a watchful eye the whole time

The tractor has been a huge help getting all the fast growing weeds on the property
 Belle helped me with raking tons of leaves and she even found a pumpkin from the fall season
I love getting chores done even though my sweet kids don't have the same attitude.

Champ also made sure we were  safe from passing cars and any wondering animals
they are very protective to their area and family
It seems to me that they bark at anything unfamiliar to them


  1. Ugh, I miss you guys. This post makes me so homesick for you guys and Acton

  2. We miss you all so much! Come over

  3. I love this Katrina! I always LOVE reading your blogs. They are a highlight of my day each and every time. You and your family are such a blessing to know! Thank you and Big Hugs!!

  4. Thank you so much Ruth! You’re so sweet.
