
Friday, September 30, 2016


You know when your driving and see the sun peeking thru the clouds and there's all these sunbeams shining thru. I love that so much!
When I was little I thought when I saw these sunbeams that Jesus was standing right at the center of it.
So whenever I see this randomly at anytime during the day it brings a smile to my face and a warmness in my heart.
To bad my windshield was really dirty for this picture because this one took my breath away.
When we have these moments randomly happen to us throughout the day then take the time to soak it in and be grateful for everything you do have.
I'm grateful for my:
a home to live in
my husband who works hard for us
vehicles that work
the gospel
and many many many other things

Thursday, September 29, 2016


These little tomato's are from the aquaponics so before they go bad we need to eat them up.
The family said "please make some salsa" Perfect!
I had to grab some more tomato's because these were just not enough
I thought I would post my recipe here if anyone wants it.
I don't put any sort of spicy or hot in it because my little family cant handle it.
I put in
green chili
salt & pepper
 I mix the tomato's first to give room
 These scraps are going to the chickens and turkey
yes those bananas could've made a delicious banana bread but I don't have time.

Yummy goodness for the family!!
This salsa lasted the whole week because I made so much but the family loves it and I love that they love it!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Oops! I forgot to post about Lowell and Isabelle's first soccer game. I've been busy which is very good and since sharing my blog  I've had over 1000 views and several orders, so Yay!!!
 Thanks everyone!! I'm so excited about that!
A couple weeks ago the kids had their first soccer game of the season
and it was HOT!!! Yucky... I hate the heat
But they were strong and pulled thru, I was the only one complaining.
The team is the Jalapeños and they did awesome! 
I love watching the kids do there thing
 They came away with a win so we did the victory tunnel for them
Isabelle and Lowell with huge smiles
I love it!!

Monday, September 19, 2016

Candle Blocks

I wanted a different way to display candles
so I came up with these blocks that you can use for Fall and Christmas
 these are reversible and include 2 sets of candles
brown and green
Candle Blocks -$25.00


I made a bunch of these posts a few years ago and they were a hit.
I have made more and in different heights.
I also made signs for the holidays this year and I'm excited to use them.
 The Welcome sign can be in any color of your choice
this sign is $12.00
This black post is 4ft tall and is $ 40.00
 The Beware sign for Halloween is $12.00
The Grey post stands at 3ft tall
this post is $30.00

 This tan post I used milk paint and then used a finishing oil and loved how it turned out.
This post stands at 3 1/2 feet tall
 Here's the Christmas sign
 My favorite post is this one, it stands at 5 ft tall
I use this during Christmas time as the stocking holder since I don't have a mantle to hang them on.
I needed something to hang the stockings so this is how I created this post.
The rest of the year it collects whatever we need to hang by the back door.
It has 8 single hooks
Give Thanks
So if  you would like a Welcome post let me know

Oh Deer!

Julia wanted to create a wreath but she wanted to do something a little different. I love how her Fall wreath turned out! My favorite is the deer right in the center.

We have this in the house right now but it would also look
great on the front door.
Fall Wreath-$50.00

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Anytime Box

A couple years ago Mikey had some pallets laying around and my brain went to work trying to figure out how to put it to use. So I asked him to if he could make me a box to use as a centerpiece for holiday décor on my kitchen table. I love how it turned out and have used it for everything.
Birthdays, Valentines Day, pretty much every holiday.
 The box is 3ft long and 5in wide
 they can be also half this size
 Here is my Fall wood candle blocks and
I will have these in another post
 This is for my fall décor just to show what you can do.
You can fill it with anything you have already and it looks great.
This size box empty is $18.00
half this size is $13.00

Saturday, September 17, 2016


 I'm at it again and its great!
Julia and I have been very busy getting things ready to sell and we have a lot more to come so stay tuned.

 The Harvest sign I absolutely love. Its extremely light and measures to 2 1/2 feet long and 8 inches wide. I used a dark antique wax to get a weathered look.
Harvest sign-$25.00
I love this sign
its a simple reminder to be Thankful
Dark brown with cream lettering at almost 2ft long and almost 6 in wide
Thankful sign-$20.00
Both are great for fall décor
We will be posting more in the next day!  

Faith & Courage

I'm sure I have talked about this so much but you know what.....Its so important!
Life is hard and its hard for everyone nobody gets to skate thru life without trials and hardships.
How do we handle these trials and hardships?
Did you know that you can still be happy and joyful in the middle of hard times.
I can tell you its possible!!!
I have had answers to my prayers to have Faith and Courage and I can get thru hard times.
So that is my "motto" that I go by anymore
I love it and I live it
I wanted something in my home to remind me all the time so I made this and set it in the room I'm mostly in. I LOVE flowers so naturally they were key.
I love the gospel and I love my savior and I love my family

Thursday, September 8, 2016

The baby is 10

I haven't been keeping up with my blog at all. I have been so busy and time gets away from me. I'm  really bummed summer is over and school is in, that's for sure.
I love having a free schedule and go as we please and being spontaneous.
But school is in session now so we must go!
Our Isabelle turned 10 and she is the youngest of the 5 kids and I now officially have older kids.
No littles sad.
Isabelle wanted a Tea Party when I asked her what she wanted to do for her birthday. She only wanted two people to come to it also which I tried so hard to talk her into inviting more but she knew what she wanted so I did exactly that this year.

So we had a huge variety of yumminess!  Pasta Salad that I learned from my mom and have been making for years now. Honeydew and cantaloupe, chocolate milk

Isabelle wanted purple plates and napkins so I was all about making it about her.

The teapot was filled  with Pink Lemonade, and butter cookies, biscoff cookies with chocolate


 I have this wood box that I use for a centerpiece on my kitchen table that I ushally fill with seasonal décor so I fill with flowers feather poofs and greenery for the tea party and it added a soft touch. I loved how my heart garland turned out and Julia wanted to add streamers to give it a little more.
 Cookie straws of course!

 The birthday girl!!

 Thank goodness Julia helped me.
 Isabelle was so happy that her cousin and friend could make it
 Isabelle had all the girls paint a cute birdhouse or a butterfly and I didn't get any pics of that. It was a fun day and I found myself running out of energy so quickly. I hate it when I get like! I think she had fun and it turned out so cute. Isabelle got a karaoke machine so the girls were singing their hearts out at the end of the party.  

Logan and Football

 Football season is upon us again and I love it! Logan LOVES it and I'm so happy he has found something he is good at that he enjoys. He is #68 and I know he has been several positions and I will have to ask him what he is right now. Logan is my biggest boy and is taller than everyone in the family now. He was 9.5 lbs when he was born and is a beast. But he is the kindest most caring teenager I know. He always puts everyone else first and I love to witness this.
 The Varsity Team
 Take em down Logan

His huge smile after a WIN!!