
Thursday, September 8, 2016

The baby is 10

I haven't been keeping up with my blog at all. I have been so busy and time gets away from me. I'm  really bummed summer is over and school is in, that's for sure.
I love having a free schedule and go as we please and being spontaneous.
But school is in session now so we must go!
Our Isabelle turned 10 and she is the youngest of the 5 kids and I now officially have older kids.
No littles sad.
Isabelle wanted a Tea Party when I asked her what she wanted to do for her birthday. She only wanted two people to come to it also which I tried so hard to talk her into inviting more but she knew what she wanted so I did exactly that this year.

So we had a huge variety of yumminess!  Pasta Salad that I learned from my mom and have been making for years now. Honeydew and cantaloupe, chocolate milk

Isabelle wanted purple plates and napkins so I was all about making it about her.

The teapot was filled  with Pink Lemonade, and butter cookies, biscoff cookies with chocolate


 I have this wood box that I use for a centerpiece on my kitchen table that I ushally fill with seasonal décor so I fill with flowers feather poofs and greenery for the tea party and it added a soft touch. I loved how my heart garland turned out and Julia wanted to add streamers to give it a little more.
 Cookie straws of course!

 The birthday girl!!

 Thank goodness Julia helped me.
 Isabelle was so happy that her cousin and friend could make it
 Isabelle had all the girls paint a cute birdhouse or a butterfly and I didn't get any pics of that. It was a fun day and I found myself running out of energy so quickly. I hate it when I get like! I think she had fun and it turned out so cute. Isabelle got a karaoke machine so the girls were singing their hearts out at the end of the party.  

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