
Saturday, June 24, 2017

Lead me guide me

Theres a children's primary song called 
Im a child of God
I love it and the lyrics are so true and direct and a great reminder

I am a child of God
and he has sent me here
has given me a earthly home 
with parents kind and dear
lead me guide me
walk beside me
help me find the way
teach me all that I must do 
to live with him someday

Those words are just so great and meaningful
Do you realize in these short lines we are told how get thru are days here on earth. 
God desperately wants us to live with him again
To be able to do that we must endure until the end
gain strength from our trials
serve and love one another
and be faithful 
Sounds  easy right
not so much
I think its the hardest thing ever to endure and have faith
Its oh so rewarding if we do
I have found that if I faithfully study the scriptures
pray with all my heart
that I can endure with the Savior by my side
I have felt that I have been in complete darkness and so alone
I thought there was no coming back from feeling this anguish
but I know without a doubt that my Savior Jesus Christ never left me
He's always been there for me.....waiting
Look up 3 Nephi 12:19 in the Book of Mormon

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