
Saturday, June 17, 2017

6 months later...............

How did 6 months go by so fast! Wow so much has happened in that amount of time. So much for keeping up on my blog. But being a busy momma it happens. 
Our daughter turned in her mission papers and when she received them in the mail she was to report in 5 weeks. 
We took a trip to Utah to get her everything she would need for Idaho Falls. 
I love Utah and I didn't want to leave. Its beautiful there especially the mountains and there is so much to do. 
 This pizza place by Dixie college was AMAZING it was seriously so good and there bread sticks were huge and delicious.
 Going to Temple Square and seeing Salt Lake Temple was beautiful and the weather was perfect. 
We were on our way home and we were at the 8 hour point when Isabelle just about had enough and entertained herself. She finally fell asleep with only a hour left of the trip. 
This trip with my girls was so fun and we got to see friends that we haven't seen in a few years. I will miss this precious time with my kids. 

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