
Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Christmas Day!

 Christmas Morning!
Excuse our crazy messy house while we enjoy the morning festivities
that include me telling my kids to clean up the aftermath
but.....they are to distracted with all the nerf guns and start a war!

I'm trying to remember who started the nerf war and I think it was Logan
He was hilarious with his sneak attacks and pretty soon everyone joined while I watched and took pictures because you know who still feels sick.

 Mikey took one to the eye but it still continued on for awhile.
I loved it!
So fun
 Ok when Mikey and the kids got home from his sisters house for Christmas dinner Mikey showed me a gift that his sister Donna and her hubby Jeff made us.
This is so freaking cool and I was blown away with the amount of work Jeff put into this piece.
The American Flag!

 I could hardly wait for Mikey to hang it up
These pictures don't do it justice
the texture and feel of the wood it is incredible
I'm so excited and grateful for this and I will treasure it.
Thank you Jeff and Donna!

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