
Sunday, July 17, 2016


Today was a wonderful day! It is the Sabbath day and so special to all of us. Mikey had to work so that is not to fun but we had Family Home Evening tonight and it was great. Everyone had a part to contribute to the evening and I love that most of all.
 Isabelle leading us in song
and Logan with scripture
 Julia taught the lesson on kindness and it was perfect! I loved that she picked what the lesson should be on because we all need to have a reminder about kindness every now and then.
Julia did an activity with toothpaste to help us understand when you say mean or hurtful things to somebody its hard to take it back. Just like trying to put toothpaste back in its tube, you can forgive someone who hurts your feelings and also you can be careful what we say to one another.
 Isabelle had the activity and she had a awesome idea. I also think she is very smart with her idea to get a toy but I still loved it. She wanted everyone in the family to do a gift exchange and to draw names to buy something for each other and that would show kindness. So $5.00 was the budget and I think everyone got something they actually liked. Good job everyone!!
 Then of course Treats!! We made Ghostbusters/Oreo s'mores. We saw the new Ghostbusters movie on Friday and it was funny then we saw these awesome Ghostbusters marshmallows and just had to get them.
I just love Summer, I love the evenings, I love my family, and I love my Savior!

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