
Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Good reading

There's nothing like a good book!
In the past 6 months I have read almost 25 books and I never have liked to read EVER!
In school whenever I had a book report to do I would usually read the back of the book to what I thought was a summary of the story.
I never did get a good grade on any of my book reports and I'm sure my teachers just laughed at me.
Well a couple books that I really enjoyed and actually read a couple times over
is Stephanie Nielsons
Heaven is Here
This book is so inspiring to me. I found so much courage and strength in her story and had to read it a few times to be able to gain the strength that I needed. I appreciate those who write their stories down for others to read so they know they are not alone in their trials.

Also another book that was incredibly inspiring was a book by
Elizabeth Smart
I encourage everyone to read how someone survived thru their trials and how the faith they had is remarkable. I'm so thankful to these women and so many more who have shared their stories and their message of hope and strength.

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