
Friday, August 5, 2016

Faith is like a seed

Have you ever wondered what does Faith mean?
What does it meant to have Faith?
How do you have Faith?

I use to wonder about these questions most of my life. I didn't understand what it meant to have faith. I wanted desperately to know how to have faith and to obtain it somehow.

I remember hearing a church lesson on faith and I asked, how do you have faith? What does that mean?
Well, it isn't as complex as I was making it out to be.

Faith is when you believe something with out seeing it, like wanting to work towards something without seeing the outcome.  Its like knowing if you work towards a specific goal and having hope for good in the end.
In the Book of Mormon in Alma chapter 32 verse 21 part of the verse says
"therefore if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen which are true."

I have found that having faith in the Lord Jesus Christ I can be happier and more joyful. I know he will lead me in the right direction and he wont lead me off the path. I have faith in him and trust his guidance for me and my family. It took me so long to understand this and to come to believe it.

Today was a very hard day and I know it was because I have  hurdles to jump over and I found myself on my knees praying for help to get thru this day. I exercised my faith in the Lord to help me and I knew that I've been thru worse and I can get thru today. 

I like the children's primary song called Faith
Faith is knowing the sun will rise, lighting each knew day
Faith is like a little seed
If planted it will grow

Those are just a couple lines from the song but speaks so much to me.
 Here are our Almond seeds from our tree. Logan picked these today and it reminded me about Faith. I love the reminders that randomly happen throughout the day that are for the good.

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