
Thursday, August 4, 2016

Theme for the day....

 11 years ago my wedding ring had to be cut off while pregnant with Lowell because my hands were so swollen. So Mike surprised me by taking me to Los Angeles for the day to get my ring fixed and pick out a new band for our 20th. The theme for our anniversary this year was "do things we never do" Mike and I are very simple people and we never buy jewelry because we just do wear it usually. Mike is extremely busy working hard for our family and we just don't have time to do much. So this day we are going to LA where it  is busy and crowded, something we would never do.  I'm just grateful to have a wedding ring again!
 Everything about Downton Los Angeles is really cool, except the smell.  I love the old buildings and all the different architecture.
 We ate down a alley by the jewelry district and had a very delicious sandwich I must say. Yummy!!

When we got home as a surprise our kids thoroughly cleaned the fridge. Now as a mom I thought this was the best gift ever and it surly made me happy. Sweet kids!

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