
Tuesday, August 23, 2016


 It has begun!! It is the time that our schedules will soon no longer belong to us anymore. Lowell and Isabelle are in soccer, luckily the same team this year. Logan is in his Junior year of high school and is on the Varsity Football team. Logan pretty much is at football everyday twice a day, except weekends. He loves football and loves his team, he hardly complains about anything that is hurting him. I just love Logan!  Lowell and Isabelle took some time off of sports which was good because we all were just drained. They moved to the bigger field this year and Isabelle is nervous about that. Lowell he hasn't said it but I think he missed playing soccer a lot. I'm so glad they are back at it again. Oh and I'm team mom! Yay me!
This is a terrible picture of football practice but its so hard to capture one of Logan while he's doing his thing. Game pics are going to be so much better!

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